
Enterprise Act 2016: Best Practice in Claims Handling from U.S. and UK Perspectives

SEP 01, 2016
Co-hosted seminar with Ince & Co.

Teresa presented "Enterprise Act 2016: Best Practice in Claims Handling from U.S. and UK Perspectives," during a co-hosted seminar with Ince & Co.

When the Enterprise Act 2016 comes into effect next year, insurers and reinsurers may be liable for consequential damages if claims are not paid within a “reasonable time.”  Topics will include:

  • What lessons can be learned from the US experience of bad faith claims
  • What insights does US law give us as to what constitutes unreasonable behavior in claims management
  • What measures can claims professionals take to ensure they are not found to have acted unreasonable in England
  • What might be the impact of the new Enterprise Act measures on the lead/follow relationship and reinsurance