From cancer fighting pharmaceuticals to the creation of energy efficient transportation and alternative fuels, chemicals are woven into virtually every sector of modern life and the global economy. Whether a plastics manufacturer, a large energy provider, a nanotechnology start up or a consulting engineering firm, being ahead of the legal and regulatory aspects of the chemicals industry is critical to daily operations and long term success.
Porter Wright’s significant background in environmental law serves as a fundamental base of industry understanding that our attorneys apply in advising companies on day-to-day regulatory compliance and risk management. We monitor EPA decisions affecting the industry and represent companies of all sizes before the regulatory agencies. We help formulate appropriate crisis management strategies when a pollution danger arises and work with our clients for the most effective solutions when remediation is required. For example, when a client recently had a chemical exposure issue, our attorneys worked with them to ensure communications were timely and appropriate measures to minimize both legal and practical risks were implemented. Safety and environmental responsibility are critical, and our attorneys work alongside clients to make sure they meet obligations.
We apply our experience in government and regulatory affairs, as well as sustainable initiatives, to find and maximize alternative energy and tax credits. We collaborate on legislative policy drafts and amendments that benefit the industry, the environment and local economies. Our efforts in Ohio have resulted in allowing innovative technologies that reduce waste and create clean renewable fuels to become available within compliance and legislative policy goals. We have championed legislation to increase the opportunity for companies to spur local economic growth through job creation while benefiting from development incentives. We work with state agencies and policy makers to help create an environment that supports business and entrepreneurial growth and energizes communities.
When business and transactional opportunities arise we work to find solutions that create long term growth. Whether it’s a merger or acquisition, subsidiary formation or need to raise equity, we help formulate the right strategy. For example, our corporate attorneys serve as outside general counsel to several small alternative fuel companies and have advised on matters ranging from contracting issues, to stock repurchase transactions, to employment concerns. When an asset isn’t tangible, we work closely to protect intellectual property and trade secrets, provide freedom to operate advice and, when necessary, assert or defend claims of patent infringements.
When litigation arises, we defend chemical companies against personal injury and toxic tort claims. We have defended several national industry leaders when a spill has led to large scale exposure and helped sort through appropriate reparations. Our practical approach helps clients to avoid costly judgment if facing a “bet-the-company” product liability claim. We have served local, national and international companies in a variety of lawsuits involving allegations of personal injuries arising from the use or exposure to chemicals in industrial, medical and consumer products and draw upon our solid relationships with industry experts to provide accurate testimony when necessary.