Women in Reinsurance

OCT 02, 2019 at 6:00 PM (EST)
Michelangelo Hotel

152 West 51st Street
New York, New York 10019

Closing the Gender Pay Gap

Please join Porter Wright's Karen Borg, Randi Ellias, Catherine Isely and Teresa Snider for the 2019 Women in Reinsurance program. In this year's keynote, Meggie Palmer, award-winning journalist turned entrepreneur, will discuss pay and bias in the workplace.

Space is limited. Kindly RSVP by September 26th.

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2019 Keynote: Closing the Gender Pay Gap

With the gender pay gap still prevalent in 2019, lessening the disparity has become more critical than ever. This program is designed to help individuals and employers understand the root issues and create an effective road map to help women achieve their worth in the workplace.

Keynote speaker Meggie Palmer is on a mission to close the gender pay gap. She’s grown a global community of 15,000 women, teaching them to advocate for fair pay using her App, PepTalkHer, which uses artificial intelligence to help women increase their confidence and negotiation skills in order to close the gender pay gap.

Award-winning journalist turned entrepreneur, Meggie spent 15 years as a foreign correspondent for BBC World News, CNBC, Dateline and others telling stories and producing films around the world, from Syria to Italy. She writes about gender and diversity for Vogue, Marie Claire and Forbes.

Porter Wright's Women in Reinsurance program is a complimentary, invitation-only forum for influential women from all segments of the reinsurance and insurance industries. It is aimed at providing women with all the tools for advancing within organizations and on arbitration panels.