“Women in Reinsurance” Fall Networking Event
The annual Women in ReinsuranceTM(WIRTM) networking event was held on Nov. 16, 2016 at the Michelangelo Hotel in New York. WIR regularly sponsors events of interest to professional women in the reinsurance industry and fosters networking and information sharing.
Do you have the “je ne se quoi” that projects the trustworthiness necessary for others to offer you great opportunities? Mariela Dabbah, founder and CEO of the Red Shoe Movement, led a dynamic session where she provided concrete strategies to strengthen your Executive Presence. Participants were invited to wear red shoes to signal their support for other women’s career goals. Complimentary copies of Find Your Inner Red Shoes: Step Into Your Own Style of Success were presented to attendees. An award-winning author, corporate consultant, and international speaker, Mariela is a sought-after presenter and thought leader. Her clients include Coca-Cola, Microsoft, Sodexo, Novartis, McDonald’s, McGraw Hill Financial, Colgate/Palmolive. She has spoken at Harvard, Princeton, Columbia, The Conference Board, The College Board, NSHMBA, ALPFA and many other corporations, universities and professional organizations. In 2015, she was named to People en Español’s (Time Inc.) list of the “25 Most Powerful Women.”