Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association honors Hugh McKay with Living Legacy Award
Porter Wright is proud to announce that partner Hugh McKay has been honored with the Living Legacy Award by the Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association. The award is a part of the CMBA’s Legacy150 Awards and “honors lawyers whose extraordinary leadership, innovation and professional excellence have truly transformed the legal, business and/or civic arena in Greater Cleveland over the course of their careers.”
“Our entire team is thrilled to see Hugh honored as part of the CMBA’s 150th anniversary celebration,” said Tracey Turnbull, partner-in-charge of the firm’s Cleveland office. “For decades, Hugh has served the CMBA and CMBF in multiple leadership, educational and mentorship capacities, undoubtedly transforming and uplifting the greater Cleveland legal community and those it serves.”
Hugh served as president of the CMBA from 2006-2007 and as president of the Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Foundation from 2015-2016. He created the landmark educational program “3Rs” initiative in partnership with the Cleveland Metropolitan School District, which connects lawyers, judges, law students and paralegals with high school students in Cleveland and East Cleveland schools. The program has won numerous awards and has become a national model for real-world curriculum and volunteerism. Hugh also has received the Honorable William K. Thomas Professionalism Award from the CMBA, as well as twice receiving the CMBA President's Award .
Hugh will be honored at the Legacy150 Awards celebration at CMBA’s “Rock the Bar” on June 24, 2023, at the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame. The event will include recognition of CMBA members who have transformed both the CMBA and the broader Cleveland community.