April 14, 2020 / Blog Post
Antitrust law in a COVID-19 world: Do we care? Should we care?
Antitrust Law Source
Let’s face it, antitrust concerns probably do not top your list of legal concerns at this time. So, it is fair to ask whether companies should worry much about antitrust right now.
The short answer is, yes. The rules have not changed, and those who do not heed them now may pay dearly later. At the same time, we realize you probably have better things to do than read another alert that recites a long list of antitrust dos and don’ts. So, we will briefly summarize what has happened to date and provide some guidance for these times. This blog is part one in a three-part series dealing with antitrust and price gouging. We will also offer podcasts on these topics.
Read the full post on our blog, Antitrust Law Source.